Blessings to all my Conquerors, Warriors, Family and Friends. How are you all? I will continue to write my blogs after my book is released. Again this is why I haven't written any blogs lately. I haven't forgotten you at all. Along with my continue medical issues that I fight everyday my faith and determination has pushed me forward. Remember NEVER GIVE UP. Have a positive attitude. Attitude is 90% of the fight. I want you to know my book will be available very shortly. The name of my new book ; BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: NEVER GIVE UP. You will be able to get my book through my website, ( ) also Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and my great publishing company Readers Magnet. If you go into the Readers Magnet website and click on Authors Hour I will presenting my new book January 24th at 7:20 p.m.. Also, on the 23 January Thursdays there will be a Round Table discussion you may want to see. This will start at 5:30 p.m. Life is good, Life is what you make of it. Make the day a beautiful, happy, blessed day. God bless you all. Love and blessings. Jacqui DeLorenzo
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1Lynne Petronio Grenier
1 comment
Lynne Petronio Grenier
God bless you.
A warrior.
Never give up up