Happy July everyone. Do you believe we are through half of the year already. July is a beautiful month. All the flowers are in bloom and some are still sprouting. Its a warm beautiful month when we can enjoy the beauty of the warm weather. I love that it stays light out later. It gives us more time to enjoy the beautiful outdoors. So much Joy in family/friends (cookouts) barbeques, family/friends getting together to share a relaxing dinner, a nice stroll or relaxing outdoors. It is the God given beauty of the earth that sets us free in what ever gives us calmness and peace. As for me it is the beauty of the ocean. As I watch the waves go in and out I think of the miracle of the ocean. The ocean gives me peace, serenity and comfort. How stupendous, how beautiful and how glorious. The beautiful awesome mountains that almost reach the door of heaven is another gift from God and peace, serenity and calmness to those that love the beauty of the mountains. I also love the mountains but the ocean is my serenity. Looking over the glorious sky and see the earth below is breathtaking. How can we not believe that God exists. How awesome to be given another day to enjoy the beauty of it all. I am not a rainy day person. I really don't look forward to a rainy day but I see the beauty and the need of the rain. Without the rain there would be no water to keep the flowers alive and blooming. , without the rain there would be no cleansing of the earth, without the rain we would have no water to drink. There are endless reasons we need a rainy day so i turn my thought into a positive view. So many reasons God and the universe sends the rain and remember in my book "After the Rain : There is always a rainbow." So as I end this blog I wish you all love in your heart, peace in your soul, and much happiness in your life. Never give up-never. There is always hope even if it feels like "a thread of hope".
God bless you. I love you with all my heart. Blessings Jacqui DeLorenzo