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Hello my Warriors, Conquerors, Friends and Family! Blessings to all and peace to your soul.

Hello , I hope you are all doing okay and keeping strong. I do apologize for a little delay and sending out this blog. Sometimes life gets in the way, as you all know, and puts a little snag in your quest. Well, we made it through January 2024. February is a promising month with its 29 days (leap Year). Wow, we have an extra day that I feel we should take advantage and do something extra special as a remembrance of a "Leap Year"! Leap year is a great time to reflect and Leap forward with all the things in our life we wanted to do but kept putting it aside. This is a great incentive don't you think! I think I may start a new book. I am not going to share what it will be about basically because I haven't truly decided. One thing you can be sure of it will be positive and uplifting. Life is great, not perfect and not without pain but it is the great times and the blessings that we receive everyday that makes it a GO for us. It is the only route to go through life. Life is short so we make the best of each day we re blessed with. We never know. My dear friend just passed away suddenly. I had just talked to her the day before when her daughter gave me the very sad new. She was just fine when we spoke and the next day she met her heavenly father. She believed in life and living it! So just think if she stayed at home and wallowed in whatever sorrow she was carrying. She wasted the day, the week, for what??? The positive side of someone who passes, although it is sad and we have to grieve, It is only a person's casing that dies, your soul will never die and lives on. Amen. I do have a special request that I am asking all of you. Special healing prayers for someone who is extremely close to me. She is very private so I cannot give her name. She needs a miracle and I know you all have that spiritual gift from God to hear our prayers. I believe in miracles and I believe in God's will. I believe in all of you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and my soul for being here for me. May the angles surround you with their love always. Blessings Jacqui DeLorenzo

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