WOW, it is a beautiful day outside as I look out my window. The sun is shinning and the newness of the day is here. Each of us need to make our day a beautiful "sunshine" day. Does the sun make you shine? Of course, it brings a smile to your face and begins your day with a bright light. Positive attitude is Sunshine, a bright light. As you open your eyes each morning focus your sight on a bright beautiful day. Remember, you have a choice. Remember you are the captain of your ship and you can steer it anyway you want it to go. It may be a smooth sail or it may be rocky and stormy but your focus and your attitude will help your sail go smoothly. I am not saying it is always easy no one ever said that, but always remember we have a choice. It is a wonderful feeling that we have control on how we choose to handle good and bad situations. I cannot focus or express enough that a positive attitude is the key and happiness is what is behind it. There is so much life out there in our beautiful world filled with choices. The best part of it all is that we get to choose, make our own decisions and decide how we are going to handle it. God Bless. May the angels surround you with their beautiful guiding protective light. Happy Healthy 2022 New Year!
Blessings Jacqui DeLorenzo