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Life-Changer: The Power of Positivity

Writer's picture: Jacqui DeLorenzoJacqui DeLorenzo

Updated: Nov 14, 2022

How a person looks at life ultimately affects their attitude and overall well-being. To be positive or optimistic may seem like the end-all-be-all of anybody and may even sound like something easy to do. But to a person who has gone through strife and grief, putting on the hat and smile of positivity is somewhat a very challenging task. Straight from My Heart by Jacqui DeLorenzo is an inspirational masterpiece that talks about hope and courage as experienced by the author and regular everyday people; hope and courage as applied by someone who has dealt with the hardship of losing someone they loved.

Is positive thinking important?

It all starts with “looking on the bright side” of things. People often hear this being said by positive thinkers when they encounter a very distressing situation. But how does one muster up the strength and courage needed to put on that positivity trait despite life’s setbacks?

The first thing a person needs to do is understand that life’s setbacks and difficulties are but a normal part of life. These challenging situations are necessary to fulfill a person’s overall growth.

Being an optimist doesn’t necessarily mean ignoring all unpleasant situations. An optimistic person chooses to look at a problem with a more productive approach, such as there is something that needs to be learned from the experience.

Why exactly should positive thinking matter? Why should people go about looking up and forward in life instead of looking down? What could be gained from thinking positively?

Improves Mental Health

One of the benefits of positive thinking is that it improves overall mental health. People who are pessimist, or negative thinkers, often depicts a personality of over-stressed, anxiety, and depression. Their lackluster life is stemmed from a profound sense that nothing is working right for them and that nothing ever will. Their stress is greater, and their coping skills are low. Most negative thinkers often lead to severe m

mental health cases such as depression, substance dependency or addiction, or, even worse, suicidal attempts or thoughts.

Investing in good mental health practices can help make a 360-turnaround in life. Start practicing healthy mental habits such as meditation, relaxation, self-care, self-love, or being surrounded by cheerful people. A healthy state of mind reduces stress and anxiety and increases a person’s self-esteem.

Improves Resilience and Immunity

A healthy outlook leads to better health and stronger immunity. Stress is the ultimate aggressor of a person’s overall well-being. Too much stress leads to many physical complications; topping the list are cardiovascular diseases and internal digestive diseases. Positive thinkers tend to live healthier lifestyles. A healthier lifestyle, which includes having a healthy diet and a cheerful outlook toward life, equates to less stress, decreased chances of sickness and death, and an increase in lifespan. And when a person achieves a healthier state in life, they tend to cope better when facing any kind of problem, trauma, or crisis – an indication of improved resiliency.

Improves Relationship & Decision-Making Processes

How a person looks at life ultimately radiates off of them. Optimistic people get along better with other people. They relate and empathize well and are more tolerant of other people’s shortcomings. Their increased sense of self-esteem helps boosts their confidence when making decisions, and their appreciation towards life is shown by considering other people when coming up with decisions.

Learning about the importance of positive thinking is just the first step. The next step, albeit challenging, is actually to start applying positivity to life. Below are some of the techniques to start on the road toward positivism.

Have a grateful attitude

Being thankful for all things, even the smallest detail, is a great way to change one’s outlook on life. The person develops a perception that there is still something to be grateful for despite adversities. It could be something as simple as being appreciative of whatever food is available or served, knowing that there are people in other parts of the world who cannot afford a decent meal, don’t have the luxury of choosing their food, or, worse, don’t have anything to eat at all.

Focus on living a healthy lifestyle

Of course, positivity is all about having healthy overall well-being. If one aspect of a person is not functioning well, such as a physical aspect, it tends to affect the other parts, such as the mental and emotional aspects. For instance, a person with a chronic illness tends to get depressed or anxious. The solution, in this case, is to avoid getting sick in the first place. Start having a healthy and nutritious diet. Exercise. Have a good sleeping habit. A good and healthy physique leads to having a good and healthy emotional and mental state.

Open up to humor

Seek humor in everyday life. Laugh as much as possible. Studies show that laughing is a good stress reliever. A giggle, chuckle, guffaw, or roar of laughter stimulates several changes in the body. It helps improve oxygen intake (which is very much needed for cell regeneration) and increases the production of endorphins in the brain, considered the happy hormones. Aside from that, laughing help relieves tension and decreases heart rate and blood pressure, leading to that feel-good and relaxed feeling. As they say, “laughter is the best medicine!”

The road toward becoming optimistic is not an overnight process. It takes a lot of effort, practice, and a strong determination to get to the point where positive thinking becomes ingrained in a person’s habit. It can be challenging, but it’s definitely not impossible. The key is to stay focused on the goal of achieving a positive-outward looking life and knowing that the powerful impact of positivity is a life-changer.

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